A DOG A DAY | A date with Sally Muir

I was so excited when I learned that the celebrated dog artist Sally Muir, aka A Dog A Day was planning to offer canine portrait sessions at our local, dog-friendly cafe, Holly & Co. I’ve admired Sally’s work for years.  I love her minimalist stylist, her drawings are never over-worked and she often says of her work that “less is more”.  I’ve always wanted to commission her to draw our dogs, but somehow the timings haven’t worked.  Anyhow this time they did, so we booked a slot and asked her to draw our lurcher Lindy.

Unlike many artists these days, Sally often works from life rather than from photographs.  That seems a very courageous approach when the subject is a dog, and indeed Lindy fidgeted endlessly – quiet sit-and-stays were never her forte.  But somehow Sally managed to conjure the very essence of our little fidget.

With a lovely selection of Sally’s beautiful cards and her new book A Dog A Day on sale, we came away with lots of nice goodies.  Bur you’d all like to see what she made of our little lurcher, wouldn’t you?  Check out a selection of her drawings from the day here.  Any guesses one which is our Lindy?

